State and County Highways and Tribal Roads in MN and WI
MnDOT Phase I and II Archaeological Investigations for TH 108 Improvements Project in Otter Tail County, Minnesota
MnDOT Construction Monitoring of Retaining Wall Reconstruction for the Third Avenue Bridge Rehabilitation Project, Hennepin County, Minnesota
MnDOT Construction Monitoring for the TH 169 Bridge Replacement Project, Nicolett County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I and II Archaeological Investigations for Rum River Rest Area Improvements in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I and II Archaeological Investigations for Elm Creek Rest Area Improvements in Hennepin County, Minnesota
MnDOT Whitefish Bay Recovery Project in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota.
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey, Phase II Site Evaluations, and Construction Monitoring for CSAH 10 Reconstruction in Grant County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation of Site 21CR166 for Trunk Highway 5 Regional Trail Project in Carver County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation for CSAH 13 Reconstruction Project in Crow Wing County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation for TH 5 Reconstruction Project in Hennepin County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for CSAH 18 Reconstruction in Wabasha County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for County Road A9 Reconstruction and Bridge 4205 Replacement in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation for CSAH 1 Reconstruction and Replacement of Bridge 5767 over the Red River in Polk County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Site Evaluations for TH 23 Reconstruction in Stearns County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation of Four Sites for the I-35W Bridge Replacement, Hennepin and Dakota Counties, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for TH 22 Bridge Replacement at Cobb River and Phase II Evaluation of Site 21BE305, Blue Earth County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation of Sites 21CR161 and 21CR162 for TH 101 Up the Bluff, CSAH 61 to TH 14, Carver County, Minnesota
MnDOT Additional Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Winona Bridge Replacement Project, Winona County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation of Four Sites for the I35W Bridge Replacement, Hennepin and Dakota Counties, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation of Sites 21CA771, 772, 773, and 774 for CSAH 77 Reconstruction in Cass County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for Melby Street Reconstruction, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.
Phase III Data Recovery at Site 21CR155 for the TH101 / CSAH 61 Southwest Reconnection Project in Scott and Carver Counties, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluation of Sites 21CR154, 21CR155, and 21CR156 for the TH101 / CSAH 61 Southwest Reconnection Project in Scott and Carver Counties, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Evaluations for Replacement of Bridge #140 and Realignment of TH 1 at Redby, Beltrami County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for Replacement of Bridge #5968 along TH 42 at the City of Elgin, Wabasha County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for Replacement of Bridge #9114 along TH 7 at the City of Montevideo, Chippewa County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Winona Bridge Replacement Project, Winona County, Minnesota and Buffalo County, Wisconsin
MnDOT Additional Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Winona Bridge Replacement Project, Winona County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase II Evaluation at Site 21DO14 for the Bypass Alignment Alternative 3 – Claremont Option 4, TH 14 Improvement Project, Owatonna to Dodge Center, Steele and Dodge County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Testing for the TH14 Improvement Project, Owatonna to Dodge Center in Steele and Dodge Counties, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for County Road 147 Reconstruction, Blue Earth County, Minnesota
MnDOT Construction Monitoring for Trunk Highway 11 Upgrade at the City of Roseau, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey for Trunk Highway 23 Improvements Near the City of Paynesville, Stearns County, Minnesota
Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Menards’ TEA Grant - Road Reconditioning Project, Eau Claire and Chippewa Counties, Wisconsin
Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Strawberry Lake Road Extension, Becker County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey and Phase II Testing at 14 Sites for TH65 Reconstruction, Isanti County, Minnesota
Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation for the Proposed College Road, Mahnomen County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Survey and Phase II Testing at Three Prehistoric Sites for Recreation Trail at Clear Lake and CSAH 13 and 4 Reconstruction, Waseca County, Minnesota
Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation and Phase II Testing at 21CE63 for Rice Lake Dam Road Project / BIA Route 18, Clearwater County, Minnesota
Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation for the Proposed Housing Office Complex Road on the White Earth Reservation, Mahnomen County, Minnesota
Phase I Archaeological Survey of Clark Road Expansion on the White Earth Reservation, Mahnomen County, Minnesota
Phase I Archaeological Survey of Elk Horn Road Realignment on the White Earth Reservation, Mahnomen County, Minnesota
Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Road for the Rice Lake Community Center and Minot Home Sites on the White Earth Reservation, Clearwater County, Minnesota
Phase I Archaeological Survey of Mahnomen Airport on the White Earth Reservation, Mahnomen County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey of County State Aid Highway 2 Realignment in Lyon County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase II Evaluation of Site 21DO3 for CSAH 15 Reconstruction, Dodge County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey of Truck Highway 53 Realignment and Bridge Replacement, St. Louis County, Minnesota
Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Borrow Pit on the Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation in Sawyer County, Wisconsin
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey of Borrow Source Areas 5A and 5B on John Glynn Property Waseca County, Minnesota
MnDOT Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Borrow Pit, St. Louis County, Minnesota